Reading build metadata

empbutler -c CONNECTIONS.xml do DEVICE_ID info

The info subcommand reads registers containing the framework’s static build metadata and prints out a summary. This includes version registers, git repository information, and the build-time configuration (i.e. several constants from the emp_payload_decl package).

For example, for a Serenity KU115 build with buffer and MGT logic instantiated only in regions 0 to 11 and 14 to 16, the output from this command is:

FPGA: KU115   (DNA: 40020001 00f19221 2d008185)

TTC masters available: Internal, Legacy
Payload clock: 240.0MHz

    Region    MGT in     rx buffer   tx buffer    MGT out
    0-11     16G (GTH)   present     present     16G (GTH)
    12-13    no MGT      none        none        no MGT
    14-16    16G (GTH)   present     present     16G (GTH)
    17       no MGT      none        none        no MGT

Build type: Automated (GitLab CI)
    Project:     32301
    Pipeline:  2335672
    Job:      12258103

Source areas:
                         Branch/Tag     SHA     Uncommitted changes?
    legacy_ttc           v2.1         7300e64            No
    cms-tcds2-firmware   v0_1_1       650ae73            No
    emp-fwk              v0.5.0       94faeb0            No
    tclink                            fda0bcf            No
    ipbus-firmware       v1.8         c008d1c            No

Version registers:
    Framework: 0.5.0  (design 0x42)
    Payload:   0x12345678