Firmware: Build and simulation instructions

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This page outlines the commands required in order to build or simulate your payload firmware within the EMP framework.


This page has been written for people who already have payload firmware that is integrated into the EMP framework. If you are a new user building your payload firmware within the EMP framework for the first time, then you should follow the walkthroughs instead. If your project is set up to use the MP7 framework, and you want to migrate it to the EMP framework, you might want to go to the payload_firmware_mp7_migration page instead.

The prerequisites and steps 1 to 2 below are the same for building a bitfile and for simulating your payload; the commands in those two workflows are only different for step 3 (creating the project area, and running Vivado/ModelSim).


You should create a working directory on a Linux machine which has Vivado installed on it, as well as ModelSim for simulations. The machine should also have Python and pip installed on it. In addition, in order for the TCDS2 functionality to be correctly implemented and for the command ipbb ipbus gendecoders to run, uHAL needs to be installed.

Build tool

The easiest way to build the framework firmware is to use IPBB; in case you haven’t used it before, the IPBB primer page gives a short introduction to IPBB. In order to run IPBB the package python3-virtualenv (or python3-venv) needs to be installed on your system.

IPBB can be downloaded as follows:

curl -L | tar xvz

… and then you just need to source the script in order to add the ipbb command to your $PATH:

source ipbb-dev-2024b/
# To run the ``ipbus gendecoders`` command later on
export PATH=/opt/cactus/bin/uhal/tools:$PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/cactus/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH


The framework firmware has been developed and tested with Vivado versions from 2021.2 to 2023.2

Step 1: Setup your IPBB area

You should begin by creating the IPBB work area itself, then download the framework firmware and its dependencies. You need to be a member of the e-group emp-fwk-users to download the EMP framework git repo and the e-group cms-tcds2-users to download the TCDS2 firmware. You will need to have a valid CERN Kerberos ticket on the machine on which you are running IPBB; if you don’t then an error will appear during the ipbb add git commands. You can change the URL prefix to in order to use your CERN username and password directly instead of Kerberos tokens.

ipbb init algo-work
cd algo-work
ipbb add git -b v0.9.3
ipbb add git -b v2.1
ipbb add git -b v0_1_1
ipbb add git -r fda0bcf07c501f81daeec1421ffdfb46f828f823

ipbb add git -b v03.12
ipbb add git -b v03.12
ipbb add git -b v1.14.1

# If using GBT/lpGBT cores, also run:
ipbb add git -b gbt_fpga_6_1_0
ipbb add git -b v.2.1
ipbb add git -b gbt_sc_4_3

(A different name than algo-work can be used for working area as desired.)

Step 2: Add the payload repository

Add the repository containing your payload firmware to your IPBB work area by running the ipbb add command again.

If you don’t already have a git repo and project, then you can create you own algorithm repository as described in Walkthrough1: creating your own repository from scratch.

Step 3: Build firmware or run simulation

The commands required for either building a bitfile or simulating your payload firmware are given below. Make sure that you have a valid Vivado licence (and ModelSim licence for the simulation workflow) in order for the commands to execute correctly.


The top-level .dep file that you use in the following sections must reference your files that implement:

  1. The emp_payload entity

  2. The emp_project_decl package

In addition to those files, your top-level dep-file must also reference one of the board-specific dependency files under the boards/ area - e.g. include -c emp-fwk:boards/vcu118

The expected emp_payload port map and the list of required constants for the emp_project_decl package are specified in the Payload firmware: Interface page.

Assuming that your top-level .dep file is located in source area my-algo-repo, at path an-algo/firmware/cfg/top.dep, you can create a project area (under directory proj/my_algo) by running:

ipbb proj create vivado my_algo my-algo-repo:an-algo top.dep
cd proj/my_algo

Only four more commands are required to generate the address decoder logic, setup the project, then build and package the bitfile (make sure Vivado is correctly set in your $PATH):

ipbb ipbus gendecoders
ipbb vivado generate-project
ipbb vivado synth -j4 impl -j4
ipbb vivado package

During synthesis and implementation a number of checks are carried out, therefore you should make sure that the command is executed successfully before loading the bitfile on your FGPA. Also note that the synthesis stage may take 30-60 minutes to complete depending upon your machine.