Data captureΒΆ

For all I/O buffers that have been configured in capture mode, the capture subcommand triggers those buffers to capture the incoming data, and then reads the data and saves it to files.

Options & arguments:

  • By default the captures are written to the data directory (in the current working directory). This can be changed using the -o / --outputpath option.

  • By default full length of the buffers is read. However, users can read only a fraction of the data by using the --caplen (e.g. --caplen 256 to only capture the first 256 words).

  • By default all RX and TX channels will be read. However this can be restricted to a subset of channels using the --rx and --tx options. You can also avoid capturing on one of these sets of channels via the special none value - i.e. --rx none or --tx none.

For example, to capture data on on all channels:

empbutler -c CONNECTIONS.xml do DEVICE_ID capture

Or, to only read out the data from RX channels 0 to 39, and TX channels 0 to 15:

empbutler -c CONNECTIONS.xml do DEVICE_ID capture --rx 0-39 --tx 0-15

Or, to only read out data from RX channels 0 to 39, and not capture on any TX channels:

empbutler -c CONNECTIONS.xml do DEVICE_ID capture --rx 0-39 --tx none